Scope of Work
The OOSC census needs to be carried out in Wajir, Garissa, West Pokot, Turkana, Kajiado and Marsabit, two counties with a focus on OOSC in informal urban settlements (Nairobi and Mombasa) and one coastal island (Lamu).
· Both paper-based and technology efficient tool will be used to carry out the individual census to identify individual out of school child to be brought back to school. The survey will be conducted in close coordination with the county government and school Board of Management.
· All the technological and process based interventions must be based on the UNICEF Principle of Innovation[1] that include – 1) Design with User 2) Understand the existing dash board system 3) Design for Scale 4)Build for sustainability 5) Be Data Driven 6) Open Standards, Open data, Open Source and Open Innovation 7) Reuse and improve 8) Be Collaborative 9) Address Privacy and Security
· The proposed tools will also adhere to and follow the Human Centred Design[2] and Agile development approaches.
Specific Tasks
In conducting the assignment, the following main tasks will be undertaken:
- Based on the methodology explained above, finalize and present SWOT analysis on the possible tools to under
- Creation of tools to conduct OOSC census in the identified project area and developing profiles of OOSC based on the 5 dimensions of exclusion[3]
- Develop strategies to conduct house to house survey to identify OOSC in consultation with counties
- Identification of schools with large drop out based on existing data
- Sharing strategies to seek census and ownership from school management, community , sub-county and county level education department
- Developing school wise list of OOSC and identifying the challenges, identify key profiles of out-of-school children and children at risk of dropping out
- Facilitating counties in providing data support to develop strategies to bring the children back to school, analyze the flow of children in and out of the school system
- Track individual child progress as it is enrolled in schools and submit quarterly reports
- Following the UNICEF Principle of Innovation – design, develop and hand over a fully functioning real time monitoring systems for tracking individual child. The system must include but are not limited to:
a. Provide report on enrolment, attendance and retention of children in school, disaggregated, age and grade wise and periodically, linking it to the existing EMIS dash board.
b. Disaggregated data in terms of girls and boys will be collected
c. School profiling
d. Online data system is available to track and monitor progress made at school, county and individual child level.
e. Remote customer support system must be in place to support teachers after the initial training on tracking individual children and reporting.
f. Data management and report writing
g. Presentation of Findings - Conduct a review meeting on quarterly basis with UNICEF and MOEST to share the progress and challenges
h. Conducting an impact evaluation at the end of project period in terms of number of children enrolled and cohort analysis on retention of children in project period.
[1] UNICEF Innovation Principles:
[2] IDEO, Human Centred Design Approach Tool Kit:
[3] Dimension 1: Children of pre-primary school age who are not in pre-primary or primary school
Dimension 2: Children of primary school age who are not in primary or secondary school
Dimension 3: Children of lower secondary school age who are not in primary or secondary school
Dimension 4: Children who are in primary school but at risk of dropping out
Dimension 5: Children who are in lower secondary school but at risk of dropping out
Detailed instructions on how to apply are found in the Local Request for Proposal (LRFP) document and Annex found at the links below