Save the Children has programming in child protection and education in Garissa county, mainly focused on Somali refugees, but also targeting the host and local community. The MEAL Coordinator makes a crucial contribution to the quality of that programming, as a senior member of the Dadaab area team.
Dimensions: Save the Children has been operational in Kenya since the 1950s, providing support to children through developmental and humanitarian relief programmes delivered both directly and through local partners. Current programming focuses on child protection, child rights governance, education, health, HIV/AIDS, livelihoods, nutrition and WASH. In 2012, as part of a global reorganization process, Save the Children combined the programmes of SC UK, SC Canada and SC Finland to create a single operation in Kenya. In Feb 2014, we completed a second transition, which saw us join forces with the British INGO, Merlin, and merge their health and nutrition programmes with our own. Save the Children now has an operational presence in Bungoma, Dadaab Refugee Camp, Garissa, Mandera, Turkana and Wajir and we work through partners in many other parts of the country. We employ nearly 300 staff and will have an operating annual budget in 2016 of approximately US$20 million.
Reports to: This position will report directly to the Head of MEAL, with close interaction with the APM on a day-to-day basis especially on administrative issues.
Staff directly reporting to this post: MEAL Officers
General Management
· Responsible for leading the MEAL roll out plan within the field office and for the correct implementation of the SCI Kenya MEAL Framework;
· Ensure that MEAL is effectively integrated into programme design, and contributes to programme objectives;
· Ensure the appropriate resourcing of MEAL activities within new budgets;
· With Programme Managers, develop MEAL plans and related tools at award start up, including ensuring that programme Detailed Implementation Plans (DIPs) include MEAL activities;
· Compile and provide required data for reporting to donors and SCI requirements
· Contribute to annual planning and reporting processes, consistent with SCI operational requirements;
· Identify recurring gaps in MEAL and programme quality themes, and actively address the causes;
· Ensure that child participation and child safeguarding is integrated into design and delivery;
· As a member of the Dadaab SMT, ensure a conducive and productive work environment.
Quality Monitoring
· Work closely with the Programme Development and Quality (PDQ) team and Head of MEAL to develop, finalise and continuously update Programme Quality Benchmarks
· Use process, output and outcome level quality benchmarks as reference to undertake field monitoring visits, focusing on programme quality aspects, discuss with relevant staff and share reports with relevant colleagues
· Work with the programme team to develop data collection tools
· Work with programme team to regularly collect data related to their indicators
· Perform regular field visits to ensure the quality of data collected by programme staff and to verify the accuracy of reported data
Management Information System
· Manage the MIS system at the field office level and ensure quality data is collected. This includes keeping field level MEAL tracking tools (Accountability Tracker; Quality Action Tracker; IPTT dashboard; Evaluation Tracker) up to date.
· Support in the compilation and analysis of quantitative and qualitative programme data and contribute into subsequent reporting of Turkana Field Office through monthly MEAL reports, flagging updates, successes and issues from the MEAL tracking tools.
· Contribute to a culture of accountability and transparency on the team;
· In close collaboration with Community Liaison Officer (s), lead in the design and roll-out of locally appropriate, financially viable, and effective complaints and feedback response handling mechanisms;
· Support and promote two-way beneficiary communications in activity and MEAL systems design.
· Receive accountability data from field, analyse it and share with the Country office. Compile and analyze data on monthly basis and share it with program teams at various levels.
· Maintain the Complaints and Response Mechanism database at the field office level
· In collaboration with the Head of MEAL, support Turkana office in ensuring children’s participation, reporting back to children, and child-led MEAL.
Evaluations and Research
· In collaboration with relevant Technical Specialists and the Head of MEAL, support in the coordination of research field activities and ensure effective child-focused research
· Where necessary, design and support the implementation of needs, baseline, and endline assessments and surveys
· Supervise the development of data collection tools proposed for evaluations activities
· Act as the field focal point for the design, management and tracking of internal and external evaluations and impact assessments, to ensure compliance with donor and SCI requirements, as well as accountability, transparency and programme learning.
· Work with programme teams to utilise data from trackers for quality improvement;
· Document good practices, lessons learned and feedback captured from programme participants (adults and children) to influence and guide the design and implementation of our programmes – (action research);
· Organize learning meetings, events and workshops for programme units to document lessons learnt, good practices and areas of improvement;
External relations
· Actively and effectively represent SCI Kenya at the Accountability Working Group, and the Community Communications Working Group.
· Represent SCI Kenya, and provide technical advice where necessary, to implementing partners;
· Other representation as required.
Staff Management, Mentorship, and Development
Manage performance of direct reports in the work area through:
· Identify capacity gaps and work with the Head of MEAL to build the capacity of the program staff and partners to ensure smooth implementation of quality MEAL systems and effective participatory evaluations;
· Provide orientation/training to MEAL/programme field staff, both to those who are new in post and to all field office staff periodically.
· Effective use of the Performance Management System including the establishment of clear, measureable objectives, ongoing feedback, periodic reviews and fair and unbiased evaluations;
· Coaching, mentoring and other developmental opportunities;
· Recognition and rewards for outstanding performance;
· Documentation of performance that is less than satisfactory, with appropriate performance improvements/ work plans.
· Build the capacity of staff to monitor/ manage grants and awards as well as understand and implement compliance requirements from donors, Save the Children and/or the Government of Kenya.
· Maintain clear communication with both the functional (direct) line manager and the technical manager to foster a smooth working relation under existing matrix structure
· Support reporting to donors by providing management information to programme managers on a timely basis;
· Support any other duties as prescribed from time to time as required.
SKILLS AND BEHAVIOURS (our Values in Practice)
· Holds self accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role modelling Save the Children values
· Holds the team and partners accountable to deliver on their responsibilities – giving them the freedom to deliver in the best way they see fit, providing the necessary development to improve performance and applying appropriate consequences when results are not achieved
· Sets ambitious and challenging goals for themselves (and their team), takes responsibility for their own personal development and encourages others to do the same
· Widely shares their personal vision for Save the Children, engages and motivates others
· Future orientated, thinks strategically
· Builds and maintains effective relationships, with their team, colleagues, members and external partners and supporters
· Values diversity, sees it as a source of competitive strength
· Approachable, good listener, easy to talk to
· Develops and encourages new and innovative solutions
· Willing to take disciplined risks
· Honest, encourages openness and transparency
Bachelor degree or higher in a relevant area of social sciences;
Significant expertise in statistical analysis;
Five years experience working in MEAL roles including a management position;
Experience in both emergency and development contexts;
Experience of working on all elements of MEAL including designing, rolling out and managing systems;
Experience with education and child protection, including CPIMS and EIMS preferred;
Experience in designing Terms of Reference and successfully managing evaluations.
Experience of working with communities in participatory activities, including confidence in working with children and an understanding of child-friendly participatory methodologies.
Familiarity with international quality standards (Red Cross Code of Conduct, SPHERE Standard, HAP Standard) and experience of using these standards in practical ways to promote quality and accountable programming
Proven success in managing a team and dedication to staff development.
Highly developed interpersonal and communication skills including influencing, negotiation and coaching.
Highly developed cultural awareness and ability to work well in an international environment with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
Strong results orientation, with the ability to challenge existing mindsets
Experience of solving complex issues through analysis and action planning
Ability to present complex information in a succinct and compelling manner
Ability and willingness to work in challenging circumstances, to change work practices and hours, and to work with incoming surge teams, in the event of emergencies
Fluency in English, both verbal and written, required. Somali language skills preferred.
Commitment to Save the Children values, including willingness to abide by and enforce the Child Safeguarding policy.
To apply for this position visit the SCI Kenya Website: The system allows CVs & Cover letter as One(1) document. The Deadline is on 10th February 2016 COB. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
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Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Coordinator
by Unknown | at 1:44 AM
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