The Somalia Resilience Program, or SomReP, is a program designed by a recently convened consortium of seven NGOs with an overall objective to build household and community resilience to drought and related risks in Somalia. The consortium members are Action Against Hunger (ACF), Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), CARE, Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI), Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Oxfam, and World Vision (WV). In SomReP’s Phase 1, from 2013-2016, the consortium’s goal is to provide $80 million in donor resources to increase the re silience of 420,000 vulnerable people across 23 districts in Somalia. Within the community of donors and implementing agencies in Somalia, SomReP is leading an effort to contribute to resilience building by enhancing the productive capacities of pastoral, agro-pastoral, and peri-urban households. SomReP also coordinates very closely with the UN resilience initiative, as funded by USAID through FAO. Thus, SomReP is unique in consolidating both key implementing NGOs and activities in key target sectors that impact resilience, as well as diverse international and institutional donors working through a common implementation mechanism.
Within the larger SomReP, the focus of SomReP-ER is to assist populations in five underserved districts across Somaliland, Puntland, and South Central Somalia to recover from the continuing effects of the devastating drought in 2011-2012. SomReP-ER forms the critical recovery element for the longer-term, resilience-building program planned within these five districts and beyond in SomReP’s full program. SomReP-ER focuses on shoring up the nutritional status of vulnerable households and setting the stage for future recovery through productive asset rehabilitation and reconstruction. SomReP-ER aims to assist 7,248 households (approximately 43,488 individuals) from August 2013-Septemeber 2014 through the implementation of a six-month food for work voucher (VFW) program. VFW will be used for activities that support community resilience and prepare communities to manage shocks. All SomReP-ER activities will be closely coordinated with each district’s local governance structures, ensuring the buy-in of the local district government as well as the involvement of relevant ministry officials wherever possible. This is in keeping with SomReP’s priority to support functioning and effective formal and informal groups, institutions, and governance systems that support resilience building at household and community levels.
Given the high likelihood of recurrent droughts in the future, the capacity of the community needs to be strengthened to cope and recover from droughts and other related recurrent risks—including flooding and conflict related to scarce natural resources. The criteria used to identify infrastructure to rehabilitate will include: community needs, ability to enhance household resilience to droughts, support to production activities, environmental impacts, input of local government officials, and maintenance capacities.
The overall objective of the project is to “facilitate early recovery for vulnerable HH in five districts in Somalia, Puntland and Somaliland.
The specific Project Outcomes are:
1) Access to food for vulnerable households is improved.
2)Structures necessary for subsistence livelihoods are restored
In order to achieve result 2, the project is implementing the following activities
a) Rehabilitation of feeder roads to strengthen access to markets
b) Rehabilitation of livestock pasture through the reseeding of overgrazed native pasture
c) Rehabilitation of livestock water sources
d) Rehabilitation of rangeland with check dams and stone-lined pits to assist with water retention
e) Re-enrichment of the depleted, unhealthy soil by kraaling community sheep and goats.
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