Kisii University Lecturers Jobs
by Unknown | at 6:17 AM
Kisii UniversityOffice of the Vice - Chancellor
Vacancies: Kisii University invites applications from suitably qualified individuals with excellent credentials to fill the following positions:
Reports to Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Student Affairs)
Qualifications, skills and experience
1. Lecturer (Veterinary Microbiology)
Grade XII
Ref: KSU/AD/06/08/2015
1 Post
Applicants MUST have the following academic/professional qualifications:
Must have an earned PhD, specializing in either veterinary bacteriology or virology from a recognized institution of higher learning.OR
Must have a Msc. degree, specializing in Veterinary bacteriology or virology from a recognized institution of higher learning.
Must have at least five (5) years of University teaching/research experience.
Must be registered for Ph.D.
Must have six (6) publications in refereed journals or one book or two book chapters plus three (3) articles in the relevant area.
Must have current Kenya Veterinary Board and Kenya Veterinary Association membership.2. Lecturer (Veterinary Physiology)
Grade XII
Ref: KSU/AD/07/08/2015
1 Post
Applicants MUST have the following academic/professional qualifications:
Must have an earned PhD, specializing in Veterinary reproductive Physiology from a recognized institution of higher learning.OR
Must have a Msc. degree, specializing in Veterinary reproductive Physiology from a recognized institution of higher learning.
Must have at least five (5) years of University teaching/research experience.
Must be registered for Ph.D.
Must have six (6) publications in refereed journals or one book or two book chapters plus three (3) articles in the relevant area.
Must have current Kenya Veterinary Board and Kenya Veterinary Association membership.3. Lecturer (Agricultural Economics)
Grade XII
Ref: KSU/AD/08/08/2015
1 Post
Applicants MUST have the following academic/professional qualifications:
Must have an earned PhD, specializing in Agricultural Economics from a recognized institution of higher learning.OR
Must have a Msc. degree, specializing in Agricultural Economics from a recognized institution of higher learning.
Must have at least five (5) years of University teaching/research experience.
Must be registered for Ph.D.
Must have six (6) publications in refereed journals or one book or two book chapters plus three (3) articles in the relevant area.4. Lecturer (Agri-Business Management)
Grade XII
Ref: KSU/AD/09/08/2015
1 Post
Applicants MUST have the following academic/professional qualifications:
Must have an earned PhD, specializing in Agri-business Management from a recognized institution of higher learning.OR
Must have a Msc. degree, specializing in Agri-business Management from a recognized institution of higher learning.
Must have at least five (5) years of University teaching/research experience.
Must be registered for Ph.D.
Must have six (6) publications in refereed journals or one book or two book chapters plus three (3) articles in the relevant area.5. Lecturer (Plant Breeding and Biotechnology)
Grade XII
Ref: KSU/AD/10/08/2015
(1 Post)
Applicants MUST have the following academic/professional qualifications:
Must have an earned PhD, specializing in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology from a recognized institution of higher learning.OR
Must have a Msc. degree, specializing in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology from a recognized institution of higher learning.
Must have at least five (5) years of University teaching/research experience.
Must be registered for Ph.D.
Must have six (6) publications in refereed journals or one book or two book chapters plus three (3) articles in the relevant area.6. Lecturer (Environmental Science)
Grade XII
Ref: KSU/AD/11/08/2015
(1 Post)
Applicants MUST have the following academic/professional qualifications:
Must have an earned PhD, specializing in Environmental Science from a recognized institution of higher learning.OR
Must have a Msc. degree, specializing in Environmental Science from a recognized institution of higher learning.
Must have at least five (5) years of University teaching/research experience.
Must be registered for Ph.D.
Must have six (6) publications in refereed journals or one book or two book chapters plus three (3) articles in the relevant area.7. Lecturer (Natural Resource Management)
Grade XII
Ref: KSU/AD/12/08/2015
(1 Post)
Applicants MUST have the following academic/professional qualifications:
Must have an earned PhD, specializing in Natural Resource Management from a recognized institution of higher learning.OR
Must have a Msc. degree, specializing in Natural Resource Management from a recognized institution of higher learning.
Must have at least five (5) years of University teaching/research experience.
Must be registered for Ph.D.
Must have six (6) publications in refereed journals or one book or two book chapters plus three (3) articles in the relevant area.Salary Scale
Basic Salary Scale of Ksh 83,361 x 2,713 p.a - 99,642 x 3,844 p.a – 11,861 p.m.
Attractive house and other allowances will be paid.Mode of Application
Applicants must submit ten (10) copies of application giving details of age, educational and professional qualification, detailed work experience, present post and salary, applicant’s telephone number and email address and enclosing copies of certificates and testimonials and giving names and addresses of three (3) referees who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s competence and area of specialization accompanied with curriculum vitae.
Applicants should request their referees to write directly to the undersigned.
Applications and information from referees should reach the undersigned not later than 28th August, 2015.
The Vice-Chancellor
Kisii University,
P.O. Box 408-40200,
Kisii University is an equal opportunity employer.
People living with disability and women are encouraged to apply.