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Thursday, September 3, 2015


by Unknown  |  at  1:38 PM

Job Title:
Data Analyst-Indicator Development for Slow Urban Emergencies (IDSUE) Project
Reports to:
Project Coordinator-Urban Surveillance
Job Location:
Contract Details:
One (1) Year Subject to Availability of Funds and Performance
Job Summary:
The incumbent will support partner organizations to analyse and interpret the data from their project area and thus build partner capacity in this area and collate and holistically analyse each round of data collection across all sites.
Main Duties &Responsibilities: ·
Analyze data collected by IDSUE project, produce preliminary and in depth reports on results
· Provide training on basic data management, analysis and storage to partners
· Work with project coordinator to develop presentation, factsheets and policy briefs on results of research
· Contribute to scientific papers for publication in peer reviewed journals
· Analyze geospatial data collected by IDSUE and produce project maps
· Provide training on basic data management, analysis and storage to partners. Build the capacity of the relevant staff within the FIM Programme on analysis and management of data aimed at enriching and directing the urban programme, including informing learning documents
· Periodically revise analysis section of guidance documents to keep them up to date
· Provide data analysis support to FIM programme and other programmes as assigned by ACD-P
· Write reports for quarterly assessments and evaluations
Responding to Emergencies:
· Participate and contribute as necessary towards Concern’s Emergency response as and when necessary
· Comply with Concern’s health, safety and security guidelines during emergencies
****Programme Participant Protection Policy****
· To adhere to the standards of conduct outlined in the Programme Participant Protection Policy and Concern Code of Conduct.
Job Specification:
· A Masters Degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Applied Economics or relevant field
· At least three years’ experience in research design, management and analysis of large-scale datasets. Experience with analysis of stratified cluster samples and time series data analysis is a must.
· Proficiency in the use of statistical software (SPSS, Stata or R), digital data gathering technologies and computer applications
· Experience developing articles for publication
· Experience working in an urban slum environment and working with government partners
· Proven competency in ethical principles of research, statistical analysis and complex survey design and analysis
· Experience in designing and implementing evaluations and operational research, using both quantitative and qualitative methods
· Experience in early warning/surveillance
· Experience of digital data gathering technology and software

Interested applicants, who meet the above requirements, should send their CV and cover letter only the subject of the email as ****‘Data Analyst’****
Each application should include at least three referees who can validate technical expertise. Telephone contacts must be submitted with the application.
****The closing date for applications is Sunday, 6th September 2015.****
****Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.****
Concern has a Programme Participant Protection Policy and Concern Code of Conduct which has been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants, especially beneficiaries, from abuse and exploitation, and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, partner organisations, and anyone engaged by Concern or visiting our programmes, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context all Concern staff have a responsibility to the organisation to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct of their work in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission.
Any candidate offered a job with Concern will be expected to sign the Programme Participant Protection Policy and Concern Code of Conduct as an appendix to their contract of employment. By signing the Programme Participant Protection Policy and the Concern Code of Conduct candidates demonstrate they have understood its content and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of this document.
Any breach of the Programme Participant Protection Policy and Concern Code of Conduct by employees of Concern during the course of their employment will result in disciplinary action up to, and including, dismissal.
Concern Worldwide is a non-governmental international humanitarian organization dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries.
‘Concern’ is the trading name of ‘Concern Worldwide’, a company limited by guarantee, registered number 39647; registered charity number CHY 5745, registered in Ireland, registered address is 52-55 Lower Camden Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.
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