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Thursday, September 3, 2015

National Water Conservation & Pipeline Corporation Jobs

by Unknown  |  at  2:56 PM

  • National Water Conservation & Pipeline Corporation (NWCPC) is a State Corporation established under the State Corporations Act Chapter 446 of the Laws of Kenya vide Legal Notice 270 of 24th June, 1988.The Corporation is under the Ministry of Water & Irrigation and home to exciting, inspirational and innovative professionals within the Water Sector in Kenya.
    The Corporation recognizes the key role played by its human resource in the execution of its mandate and achievement of set goals and objectives in the development of water infrastructure in the country.
    The Corporation offers exciting and challenging career opportunities with attractive and competitive remuneration package to its highly qualified and professional staff.
    In the endeavor to execute its mandate, the Corporation is seeking to recruit a suitable, self-driven, result oriented and qualified individual of high integrity to fill in the following position:
    1. Job Title: Engineer II
    Grade / Scale: NWC 7
    Vacancy No.: NWCPC/2015-2016/05
    Positions Vacant: 1
    Requirements for Appointment
  • Must possess a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University
  • Computer proficiency
  • A minimum experience of three (3) years in a similar and/or equivalent position.Duties and Responsibilities
  • Planning, designing, construction, operation and maintenance of water projects and conservation structures or in any other relevant engineering discipline;
  • Undertake projects as per the departmental work plan and complete them to the satisfaction of the supervising Engineer;
  • Assist in the preparation of the specifications, contract documents and costing of various operations that go into the design, construction, operation and maintenance of water projects and conservation structures as well as in other engineering areas;
  • Any other relevant duties assigned from time to time.The position is on permanent and pensionable terms.
    2. Job Title: Chief Engineer - Construction
    Grade / Scale: NWC 10
    Vacancy No.: NWCPC/2015-2016/04
    Positions Vacant: 1
    Requirements for Appointment
  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from a Recognized University
  • Registered with Engineers Registration Board of Kenya
  • 6 years relevant working experience
  • Demonstrated experience in use of engineering software
  • Experience in construction of large dams
  • Experience in Contract Management is desirable
  • Possession of a Masters degree in related field from a recognized University and attendance of a senior management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks will be an added advantage
  • Computer proficiency.Duties and Responsibilities
  • Overall responsibility for projects including planning, design construction of water conservations structures or in any other relevant engineering projects;
  • Ensuring that clear policies and criteria are laid down for identification of projects, feasibility studies, setting of standards selection of consultants and contractors;
  • Supervision of technical staff and making recommendation for recruitment and promotions as necessary;
  • Plan long and short-term programmes on water conservation and other hydraulic structures, including feasibility studies as well as setting performance targets for the division;
  • Set standards for selection of consultants and contractors to undertake the projects in line with the Government procurement policy;
  • Prepare annual budgets and long term investment plans;
  • Give recommendation for recruitment, deployment and promotions;
  • Undertake supervision, training and development of the technical staff – professionals, technicians and artisans.The position is on permanent and pensionable terms.
    3. Job Title: Chief Engineer - Planning & Design
    Grade / Scale: NWC 10
    Vacancy No.: NWCPC/2015-2016/03
    Positions Vacant: 1
    Requirements for Appointment
  • Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from a Recognized University
  • Registered with Engineers Registration Board of Kenya
  • 6 years relevant working experience
  • Demonstrated experience in use of Engineering Software
  • Experience in design of large dams
  • Experience in Contract Management is desirable
  • Possession of a Masters degree in a related field from a recognized University and attendance of a senior management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks will be an added advantage
  • Computer proficiency.Duties and Responsibilities
  • Overall responsibility for projects including planning, design construction of water conservations structures or in any other relevant engineering projects;
  • Ensuring that clear policies and criteria are laid down for identification of projects, feasibility studies, setting of standards selection of consultants and contractors;
  • Supervision of technical staff and making recommendation for recruitment and promotions as necessary;
  • Plan long and short-term programmes on water conservation and other hydraulic structures including feasibility studies as well as setting performance targets for the Division;
  • Set standards for selection of consultants and contractors to undertake the projects in line with the Government procurement policy;
  • Prepare annual budgets and long term investment plans;
  • Give recommendation for recruitment, deployment and promotions;
  • Undertake supervision, training and development of the technical staff – professionals, technicians and artisans.4. Job Title: General Manager, Technical Planning & Design
    Grade / Scale: NWC 11
    Vacancy No.: NWCPC/2015-2016/02
    Positions Vacant: 1
    Requirements for Appointment
  • Bachelors degree in Civil /Structural Engineering from a recognized University
  • A Masters degree in a relevant field from a recognized University
  • Registered with Engineers Registration Board of Kenya
  • 8 years relevant working experience, 3 of them at a managerial level
  • Demonstrated experience in design of large dams
  • Demonstrated experience in relevant engineering software
  • Computer proficiency.Duties and Responsibilities
    You will be reporting directly to the Managing Director and will be responsible for the following:
  • Directing, coordinating controlling and managing the Corporation's planning and design functions;
  • Developing technical standards and criteria to guide the performance of the various researches, planning and design of infrastructural works;
  • Undertaking effective consultation with all key stakeholders at the conceptual and planning stages;
  • Developing departmental strategies, policies and plans to facilitate achievement of overall objectives of the Corporation;
  • Taking responsibility for the training, development and motivation of the technical staff;
  • Monitoring and evaluating performance by technical staff and consultants;
  • Carrying out operations, administration and financial management of the department;
  • Preparing and implementing departmental budgets, procurement plans and work-plans;
  • Advising the Managing Director and Board on all matters relating to Planning & Design functions.5. Job Title: General Manager - Construction
    Grade / Scale: NWC 11
    Vacancy No.: NWCPC/2015-2016/01
    Positions Vacant: 1
    Requirements for Appointment
  • Bachelors degree in Civil/Structural Engineering from a recognized University
  • A Masters degree in a relevant field from a recognized University
  • Registered with Engineers Registration Board of Kenya
  • 8 years relevant working experience, 3 of them at a senior managerial level
  • 5 years experience in supervision of Civil Engineering works
  • Demonstrated experience in use of engineering software
  • Computer proficiency.Duties and Responsibilities
    You will be reporting directly to the Managing Director and will be responsible for the following:
  • Directing, coordinating, controlling and managing the Corporation's Construction & Electro-Mechanical department;
  • Managing all construction works and utilizing available resources;
  • Developing technical standards and criteria to guide in the performance of the various infrastructural works;
  • Ensuring proper management of assets such as plant, equipment & machinery through effective maintenance and repairs;
  • Developing departmental strategies, policies and plans to facilitate achievement of overall objectives of the Corporation;
  • Taking responsibility for the training, developing and motivating of the technical staff;
  • Monitoring and evaluating performance by technical staff and contractors;
  • Carrying out operations, administration and financial management of the department;
  • Preparing and implementing departmental budgets, procurement plans and work-plans;
  • Advising the Managing Director and Board on all matters relating to Construction & Electro Mechanical functions.Additional Requirements
    All the interested applicants must meet the requirements of Leadership and Integrity as set out in Chapter 6 of the Constitution, 2010 and should have the following:
    1. Certificate of good conduct from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID)
    2. Tax compliance certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)
    3. Clearance certificate from Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC)
    4. Clearance certificate from Higher Education Loans Board (HELB).
    How to Apply
    If you are interested and meet the above mentioned requirements for any of the above positions, please send your applications attaching a detailed curriculum vitae, copies of certified academic/professional certificates and testimonial, names and contacts of three (3No.) referees stating your day telephone and e-mail contacts to the following address on or before Friday 11th September, 2015.
    The Managing Director
    National Water Conservation & Pipeline Corporation
    Dunga Road, Industrial Area
    P. O. Box 30173 – 00100
    Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and canvassing will result to automatic disqualification.
    National Water Corporation is an equal opportunity employer and all Kenyans in their diversity are encouraged to apply.
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