Act Change Transform (Act!) is a leading Kenyan not-for-profit, non-governmental organization involved in diverse development initiatives in Kenya. Act!’s main programme focus is in Environment and Natural Resources Management; Democracy and Human Rights and Peace Building and Conflict Transformation. Our holistic approach to development is delivered through capacity development. Established in September 2001 as Pact Kenya, and rebranded in 2011 as a fully-fledged Kenyan organization,.
Act! is currentll implementing one of the large programmes, working with Non State Actors (NSAs) to Strengthen Governance and Citizens Participation in Natural Resources Management in Kenya dubbed Changieni Rasili Mali (CRM) Facility which came to a close in March 2015 but was given a one year extension.
The Changieni Rasili Mali Facility is a four year programme (2011- 2015 – extended to March 2016) that seeks to complement and support the already on-going cooperation with the Government of Kenya in the natural resources sector and contribute to the achievement of the objectives in Kenya’s Vision 2030, Kenya’s constitution 2010, the Swedish strategy for cooperation with Kenya, as well as United Kingdom’s development strategy for Kenya. Changieni Rasili–Mali (CRM) Facility has issued grants to non state agencies (NSAs), ranging from community based organizations, self-help groups, women groups, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private sector organizations, networks and faith based organizations spread in the 42 counties across Kenya.
The goal of CRM Facility is “to improve participation of citizens, including the poor, in the governance and sustainable utilization of natural resources in Kenya”. More specifically, the programme seeks to achieve the following specific objectives by the end of the four years:
- To improve organizational capacity of non-state actors to deliver their mandates in environment and natural resources sector.
- To improve participation of citizens and marginalized groups in governance, management and utilization of natural resources.
- To improve policy and legislative environment for sustainable natural resources management at national and decentralized governance structures.
The key thematic areas under which the projects were funded include Environment, Water, Agriculture, Climate change, Land and Energy. Towards the end of the program, (before the one year extension) Act! undertook individual external evaluations of all the projects, 81 evaluations in total through four consultancy firms. The Embassy of Sweden also commissioned an external evaluation for the facility in sampled areas and partners. The evaluation reports document the work projects in terms of impact,relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. Act has also documented best practices and success stories from the Facility in terms of booklets and video. Currently, Act! is in the process of developing a proposal for a second phase of the CRM facility due to start early next year. In light of these, Act! would like to compile a summary of learning from phase 1 in terms of best practices, key outcomes in terms of CSO capacity building, policy development processes and citizen participation in NRM that require to be replicated, pitfalls that need to be avoided in design of projects, sub-grant management, capacity building, implementation as documented in the findings of the evaluation. The consultant will also undertake a meta-evaluation exercise to comment on the quality of the evaluations undertaken. It is expected that these learning will be to inform Phase II of the CRM facility.
The specific objectives of the consultancy are:
- Desk review of all the CRM evaluation reports and other relevant documentation
- Filter key outcomes in terms of Act’s CSO capacity building and sub-grantee activities including key bills at national and county levels and stages of completion and citizen’s benefits at the grassroots level.
- Critique the policy development processes
- Identify sub-grantee outcomes/impacts from their efforts in enhancing citizen participation and provide an analysis on the same for the 5 thematic areas
- Analyse the implementation process and lessons learnt
- Recommend a roadmap for future CRM engagements – what needs to be taken forward, what needs rethinking or improvement, what needs to be dropped - in order to in form CRM phase II
- Scope of Work
Act! seeks services of a competent consultant/firm to undertake the following broad tasks:
a. Review the individual evaluation reports and the final donor CRM evaluation report
b. Document key results at outcome level
c. Filter learning in terms of best practices and setbacks from both Act! and sub-grantee perspectives to inform future programming
d. Facilitate a meeting with CRM staff and management on key learnings and to clarify issues identified during the desk review regarding the CRM Facility (achievements, and approach/ model, gaps etc) and proposed strategy envisaged for CRM phase II
e. Provide a critique of the CRM evaluation process and reports
f. Review and prepare a final report for submission to Act!.
- The Consultant
Act! seeks a high profile consultant with the following qualifications and experiences:
At least a masters’ degree in Natural resource management or relevant social sciences with a minimum of 15 years’ experience from working at high level in relevant sectors. Recent experience from working in rural development programmes in Kenya is required.
Experience with meta-evaluation
Recognized experience in quality assurance in programme management.
Wide experience from working with several donors and in harmonising donors’ programs and projects.
An outstanding track record of participating and guiding formulation and implementation of developmental policies and strategies, especially in the broader rural development sectors;
Must have demonstrable experience in analytical report writing.
Experience in formulation and implementation of natural resource management programmes.
Proven experience in management and implementation of donor supported programmes.
Considerable experience in formulation of programme/project plans and budgeting;
Experience in financial matters including auditing;
Excellent negotiation skills;
Excellent Team player;
Good communicator.
4.0: Timing
The Consultant will be required to complete and submit the proposal in a maximum of 10 consultant input days.
5.0: Deliverables
The consultant is expected to deliver a 30 page report (maximum). The report will have the following components;
- Executive summary
- Background
- Key CRM Results (thematic)
- Key learning (positive/Negative) including un-expected outcomes
- Recommendations (for both Act! in grant management and partners)
6.0: Reporting and responsibilities
The consultant will work directly under the supervision of the MERL Manager and with support from entire the CRM team constituting CRM Facility Manager, Grants Manager, Capacity Development Manager, Finance Manager and the Programme Officers. The team will get oversight support from the Senior Management Team constituting, The Director of Programmes, Head of Finance and Operations and the Executive Director.
Act! will provide logistics support where required and access to the Facility’s documents as provided for in the Acts! operational policies and procedures Manual.
Interested consultant/firm is requested to submit a proposal to Act! detailing the desired methodology s/he will use to carry out the tasks identified above, a work plan, and consultant’s level of effort, detailed CV and / or firm profile, and budget. In addition, at least 3 references of similar assignments you have successfully undertaken in the last 2-3 years.
All proposals should be submitted electronically in (in PDF format) to quoting the reference number ACT/EKF/08/2015 on the subject line not later than 5 pm Friday, 11th September 2015. The best-qualified consultant(s) at the most reasonable cost will be selected and a contract issued for the assignment. All materials developed are to be considered the property of Act! and may not cited or reproduced under any circumstances