1.1AAHI Background
ACTION AFRICA HELP KENYA is a non-governmental organization that addresses development challenges in partnership with marginalized Kenyan communities mainly living in low income settings in urban and rural settings including arid and semi-arid areas (ASALs). AAH Kenya is an affiliate country programme of Action Africa Help International (AAH-I), which has been operating in the East and Southern Africa region for more than 20 years implementing programmes in South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, Somalia and Kenya.
1.2Mara Project Background
The Mara Enterprise Development project is a two year project funded by Bread for the World (BftW), German. The project’s goal is to support development of an ‘entrepreneurial mind-set’ in community members in the Mara area, in order to strengthen their resilience and capacity to lead their own development. The project is going to work in three components to catalyze change in the community mind-set by facilitating community learning through 3 main interventions namely; supporting women in trade; Supporting Mara livestock producers through improvement of livestock production and marketing; and Targeting youth for entrepreneurial mind set development.
Mara Division is located in Narok West Sub-County, Narok County, which borders Tanzania in the South. Narok County is among the richest counties in Kenya. Large-scale wheat farming is practiced in the high-potential zone and the world famous Masaai Mara Game Reserve occupies much of the County. Mara and Loita are the poorest divisions in Narok primarily covering the rangelands with low agricultural potential. Mara Division covers 4,964 km and has a population density of approximately 9 people per km2 which is divided into four wards: Mara, Naikarra, Siana and Ilmotiook.
Over half of the population lives below the poverty line. Infrastructure, including roads, education and health services, is poor. According to the 2009 national census, only 53.7 per cent of the population is literate compared to the national average of 72.2 per cent; only 0.4 per cent has gone to university. The majority of the population are Maasai pastoralists. Livestock are their main source of food and income and their primary asset outside of land.
It is for this reason the AAH-I is seeking to work with different partners and structures in the Mara in order to change the mindset especially for the youth in their own development, Olderkesi community centre is one of the structures which can be used in this mandate as it will act not only as a resource centre but also a youth training centre.
2.1Terms of Reference
Action Africa Help- Kenya is seeking the services of an individual consultant to engage Olderkesi development project committee, the church leaders and the community leaders in development of strategic plan and capacity building discussions seeking to maximize the potential of this community establishment. Through this, the consultant will come up with a Five year strategic plan of this project to benefit all the community groups and especially the youth.
The capacity building will cover and not limited to:
- Registration of the project in to a legal entity
- The existing by-laws versus working constitution
- Making profit out of a community establishment
- Self reliance and independence in community projects
The consultant will afterwards develop the Strategic Plan, consisting of the following main sections:
- Mission, vision, values, objectives and strategy (SWOT analysis)
- Unique Selling Proposition, strategic priorities and action plans
- More effective communication and partnership strategy
- Effective internal evaluation mechanism
- Financial management and reporting system
- Sustainable marketing and fundraising strategy
- Efficient governance and organizational structures for effective delivery of services to the church and the community at large
2.2 Objectives of the Consultancy
The consultancy objective is to educate the stakeholders and develop a Five year strategic plan for Olderkesi development project, this will be a long term management tool to steer operations, a special focus in this strategic plan development is to identify achievements and challenges, conduct SWOT analysis and desk review which will help to design a strategic objective, issues and strategies and what should be done in the next Five years to create a vibrant community centre.
The specific Objectives will include:
- To help the Olderkesi management committee, church leaders and the community leaders define the mandate of the project and promoting understanding on its development issues
- Providing guidance and facilitation support for Olderkesi development project; specifically supporting stakeholders in understanding the value chain approach and development of models for training communities in livestock production and agriculture
- Promote financial stability and independence in Olderkesi community project
- Development of a Five year strategic plan for Olderkesi development project
- Strengthen the institutional and human capacity of Olderkesi development project to sustainably deliver services to the community
2.3 Scope of Work
An experienced consultant will lead in development of strategic plan, it will involve meeting with stakeholders who are the management committee, church leaders, the community leaders and focal persons, community representatives and gathering feedbacks and reviewing the available documents in a desk review, it will also involve environmental scan to identify themes and key issues that will become strategic drivers for the next Five years, review current forum organizational structure and identify what should be improved, Finally, based on findings of the management and the community leaders, the consultant will triangulate information and prepare the final draft.
2.4 Methodology and approach
It should be developed through an inclusive and diverse approach, with active input from all members (Management committee, community leaders and group representatives, community focal persons, development partners and other stakeholders). Each group of the strategy development process may require unique approach and methodology. However, participatory approaches and techniques are expected across the board to facilitate maximum engagement and contributions from stakeholders. Such engagement is best achieved through structured individual and group discussions and informed consultations to ensure consensus and ownership become outcomes of the process.
2.5 Deliverables
Key deliverables of this consultancy are:
- A strategy development process design draft that captures the entire exercise
- A strategy map - a visual presentation of the key elements of the strategic plan, i.e., strategic drivers, strategic objectives, expected results and internal organization (units/departments)
- Revised vision, mission, values, and its name
- Reviewed organizational structure
- Final full draft strategic plan document
2.6Qualifications of the Consultant
The successful applicant should meet the following requirements:
- A strong technical background in the field in Management, Business Administration, or Development studies, with at least 5 years of practical development and field experience in strategic plan development and manuals.
- Previous experience and extensive knowledge of the NGO sector including different organizations types and sizes.
- The consultant must show evidence of previous work in supporting communities in value chain development and especially models for community learning
3.0 Time Frame
The assignment is expected to take a maximum of 10days effective from 21st September 2015, and final reports should be submitted to AAH Kenya not later than 5th October 2015.
4.0 Application Procedure
The interested candidates are requested to submit:
- Application letter;
- Curriculum Vitae;
- Samples of previous work preferably with an NGO or private sector in related assignments
- Technical proposal showing plans of execution
- Financial proposal showing the cost of involving the consultant per day.
The proposal should be emailed to info@actionafricahelp.org by 8th September 2015
5.0 Evaluation and Award of Consultancy
AAH Kenya will evaluate the offers and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. AAH Kenya reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder.