The French International Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) announces the Post doctoral Research Associate in Crop Modelling and Application for Climate Change Adaptation Position
Specialities: Crop modelling, crop physiology
Duration: 23 months
Salary: Base salary dependent on experience – from 27 726 € per annum with an attractive international benefits package (tax free)
Starting date: January 2015
Job description
The successful candidate will develop his (her) research in the frame of the EU project WHEALBI.
The objective will be to identify, through simulation (optimization), wheat and barley ideotypes better adapted to target populations of environments, including conditions of climate change.
You will use the crop simulation model Sirius Quality, which has been calibrated and evaluated for several cultivars under a wide range of environments.
Applicants should submit a letter of interest, a complete curriculum vitae which includes a list of publications and the names and addresses (including telephone and email) of three referees who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s professional qualifications and work experience.
Send application package to Dr Pierre Martre ( by 15th Dec 2014.
Applications will be received until a suitable candidate is found.