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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Fund Raising and Donor Compliance Manager

by Unknown  |  at  12:45 AM

Centre for Education and Development (CED), Somalia is a growing non-governmental humanitarian and development organization working in Somalia with a good track record in its humanitarian and development work. CED responds to emergency and development needs in Somalia and assists Somali communities towards self-reliance. CED works with poor local communities through sustainable community development programs to overcome ignorance, hunger, injustice and inequality.
CED is seeking a dynamic, innovative and self-motivated professional to fill the position of Fund Raising and Donor Compliance Manager
Fund Raising and Donor Compliance Manager – Full time
Location - Nairobi, Kenya
Purpose of the job
The Fund Raising and Donor Compliance Manager will be responsible for liaising with donors, donor research, monitor the funding requirements of the organisation and identify and develop new sources of income and suitable donors in order to maximise external funding for programs. Primary responsibilities include the institutional fundraising and resource development; external communications; advocacy; cultivating and maintaining relationships with partner agencies, donors and other stakeholders; participating in the representation of the organization in various arenas; and serving as member of the Management Team of CED.
The position will report to CED Executive Director and will be based in Nairobi, Kenya with frequent travel to Somalia.
Key responsibilities:
  1. Develop sound, achievable, comprehensive fundraising strategies and plans to ensure clear and achievable fundraising objectives; and positive and effective relationships with the donors.
  2. Ensure that the fundraising strategy of CED is adequately diversified and includes tactics in specific areas such as major donors; web based giving, foundations, corporate support, etc.
  3. Research and identify new donors and opportunities for fundraising with institutional donors and private foundations and support the development of funding relations.
  4. Develop and manage successful relationship with existing and potential donors.
  5. Advise the Executive Director on new funding opportunities and develop high quality concept papers and proposals for submission to donors.
  6. Work with CED senior staff to ensure a strong, consistent advocacy voice in a variety of strategic settings (Inter agencies, NGOs, Clusters, etc.) to advance CED’s issue areas and to develop business opportunities.
  7. Participate in and Represent CED in donor and other external meetings, UN Clusters, International Agencies, donors and other technical and coordination meetings on behalf of CED.
  8. Assist CED in advocacy, lobbying, and campaigns, project funding, fund-raising and donor compliance.
  9. Prepare and design high quality concept papers, project proposals and identify sources of funding for new programs.
  10. To provide a quality check by evaluating concept notes and proposals on consistency, completeness, presentation, relevance to the donor and on the correct compliance with the donor’s demands. To assist if needed in drafting and editing project/programme proposals in coordination with progamme staff;
  11. To advise and provide guidance, including (on-the-job) training to program staff on the process of developing high quality project proposals, resource mobilisation and report writing that are relevant to CED and to the donor and meet its requirements;
  12. To collect, manage, analyse and present information in order to meet the donor requirements as a grant is obtained as well as to give inputs to the CED management cycle and any other demand for information (i.e. for CED news bulletin).
  13. Disseminate information to CED senior management on funding opportunities and donor compliance.
  14. Ensure collection of information, synthesis and production of good fundraising and advocacy materials aiming at promoting CED’s work to the donors
  15. Work with the Communications and Reporting office to ensure production of wide range of information such as publications, leaflets, DVDs, videos reports etc in order to help CED to carry out effective fund raising and advocacy activities.
  16. Support the advancement of CED mission through the nurturing of existing relationships associated with current Programs and through the establishment and strengthening of new partnerships to enhance the role of CED in humanitarian relief and development work
  17. Participate as appropriate in the representation of CED in varies forms such as national and international conferences, partner and donor agency meetings, etc.
  18. Serve effectively as a member of the Management Team, communicating and consulting on personnel, programmatic, financial and other issues related to Program development and management
  19. Establish a comprehensive and timely reporting schedule across the organization to anchor communications, fund-raising, and advocacy strategies.
  20. Undertake appropriate domestic or international travel to accomplish the responsibilities of the position.
· With relevant CED staffs: Executive Director, Program Coordinator, Communication Officer, Programme Officers, HR and Admin Officers, Logistic and supplies Officer, Financial Officers to co-ordinate, co-operate and exchange information
· With Program staffs, to share progress information about externally funded projects, for learning and accountability purposes
· With the Communication Officer, for input in information/communication materials regarding externally funded programs.
· With (potential) donors and other relevant stakeholders, to obtain information, to bring certain themes and issues (with an eye on funding) to the attention, and to discuss specific projects or to account for them
· With other (I)NGOs, to obtain and share information.
Required Qualifications: required training and experience
  1. Advanced University degree in communications, public relations international development, humanitarian affairs, international relations, social or political science or other relevant area.
  2. Minimum of 5 years relevant working experience with NGOs and Donors particularly in the area of fundraising, project development, advocacy, communication and information management.
  3. Experience of project design, project management cycle, participatory appraisal techniques, and financial and budget management.
  4. Proven track record of securing donor funds and managing donor relationships.
  5. Considerable experience on writing high quality concept notes, proposals and reports and ability to deliver presentations to potential funders.
  6. Networking and research skills
  7. Strong experience in fund-raising and partnerships strategies.
  8. Good information management and analyses of information.
Fluency in written and spoken English is essential.
General Skills
  1. Results orientation
  2. Excellent written communication skills
  3. Excellent organisational skills and the ability to prioritise work effectively to meet tight deadlines
  4. Excellent negotiation and problem solving skills
  5. Strong planning and analytical skills
  6. Enterprise
  7. Excellent team player
  8. Good Research skills
  9. Power of conviction
  10. Strong computer literacy

How to apply:
If you meet the criteria herein please submit your application and detailed CV. Each applicant package will include the following:
  • Cover letter explaining why consider yourself qualified for this position with the applicants current contact information
  • CV including work experience and education
  • Copies of Certificates
  • Your contact number, present salary and contact details for three professional referees with their complete contact information (including current or most recent supervisor)
All applications should be sent to Abdullahi Ali Hassan, and copied with the subject of the e-mail marked "Fundraising & Donor compliance Manager” By 31 January 2015.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted and invited for interviews.
CED is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply.

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