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Tuesday, January 13, 2015


by Unknown  |  at  9:52 AM

Do you want to be in a challenging project with prospects and potential for personal growth in Médecins sans Frontières OCBA?

We want you on board! We want your expertise and your commitment towards MSF! We want your contributions to build an innovative and exciting project in which you can learn, develop and grow along with MSF OCBA (Operational Centre Barcelona-Athens).
What would your mission be?
The Head of the Operational Cell (RECO)is responsible for overseeing the different phases in the cycle of missions and projects in the field (opening, follow-up, orientation and closing) and ensures that quality standards are duly maintained and MSF’s humanitarian and deontological principles respected in the projects within his/her portfolio (4-6 mission countries), within the framework of Executive Plan, Operational Policy and operations annual orientations plan, in order to perform relevant, high-impact operations.
S/he is hierarchically under the Deputy Operational Director.
The Operational Cell (OC) is a matrix-like “team set-up” integrating members of the different services or departments of MSF OCBA as the basis for direct support and guidance to the missions within the Cell’s portfolio. The OC is made up of a person in charge of the Cell (RECO), one Medical Deputy RECO, one Logistics Advisor (TELOCO), one Operational Finance (FINOCO) and one Human Resources Advisor (REHUCO). The team Cell is hierarchically under the RECO, with the exception of the FINOCO that is hierarchically under the Head of Operational Finance Service. The team is supported by Humanitarian Affairs Advisors and receives assistance from the EAU staff.
For more information, please see the attached.

Applicants should send their curriculum vitae and cover motivation letter under the reference “Head of Operational Cell´´to:
MSF SPAIN, East Africa Unit
P.O. Box 60204-00200
Mayfair center, 4th Floor
Ralph Bunche Rd.

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