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Friday, January 9, 2015

Program Coordinator

by Unknown  |  at  12:37 PM

Centre for Education and Development (CED), Somalia is a growing non-governmental humanitarian and development organization working in Somalia with a good track record in its humanitarian and development work. CED responds to emergency and development needs in Somalia and assists Somali communities towards self-reliance. CED works with poor local communities through sustainable community development programs to overcome ignorance, hunger, injustice and inequality.
CED is looking for a qualified and committed individual to join its team as Program Coordinator
Program Coordinator – Full time
Location: Mogadishu, Somali
Purpose of the Job
The Program Coordinator (PC) will provide overall leadership and coordination for ensuring the accomplishment of the objectives of the Program Initiatives under his/her responsibility. The position will be responsible for providing strategic decisions on scaling up or sustaining key program initiative results, assist Project Managers (PMs) in implementing their activities effectively. The program Coordinator will ensure there is an effective working relationship with key government partners, donors and NGOs working in the same geographic areas.
The PC is also responsible in identifying funding opportunities for ongoing and new programs initiatives and to initiate and participate in the design of programs and program initiatives. When working with project managers the position requires facilitating development of quality proposals and coordinating transparent system of disbursement of grants accordingly. The PC will represent CED in various internal and external partner and stakeholders meetings.
The position will report to CED Executive Director and will be based in Mogadishu, Somalia with frequent travel to Nairobi, Kenya.
Key Responsibilities
Job Responsibility #1 Staff and Performance Management
  1. Supervises leads, orients, trains, coaches and supports Project Managers, HR, Finance and Logistics;
  2. Builds the technical and managerial capacity of the staff in planning and implementing program initiatives effectively and efficiently;
  3. Recommends or initiates personnel actions such as promotions, transfers, terminations, and disciplinary actions including performance improvement plans;
  4. Promotes and models a working style based on strict adherence to the organizational core values;
  5. Completes all performance management activities including: performance planning, monitoring, and annual performance agreements and assessments, Personal activity reports and provides ongoing feedback to staff.
  6. Identifies capacity and skills gaps for managers and technical staff and facilitates staff capacity building initiatives using processes such as staff performance appraisal assessment and talent management assessment. This includes finding ways to motivate staff.7. Takes responsibility for new hire staff orientation.
Job Responsibility #2 Program Planning and Implementation
  1. With the various project managers the PC analyses past experiences to systematize and incorporate lessons learned into the planning process;2. Based on past accomplishments and achievements adjusts program targets, strategies, resources and delegation of responsibilities to ensure appropriate progress toward program objectives
  2. Submits Monthly, quarterly, annual plans as per established schedules to all CED management4. Ensures that all staff have updated weekly, monthly and quarterly implementation plans;
  3. Periodically visits project sites and provides formal and informal feedback to the staff in terms of adequate and inadequate progress as well as recommendations for improved performance;
  4. Maintains ongoing communication with CED management and other stakeholders regarding program progress and challenges;
  5. Continuously assesses program context, assumptions and changes in the working environment to ensure that the focus, strategies and activities remain relevant and to proposed adjustments when needed.
  6. Coordinates work plans of the various projects to ensure smooth implementation to achieve quality results.
Job Responsibility #3 Program Budget and Resource Management
  1. Ensure adherence to CEDs financial and administration (including property and procurement) policies and procedures.
  2. Create understanding among his/her staff on the financial and procurement procedures, regulations and the respective donor requirements, and monitors compliance.
  3. Facilitate preparation of annual project budgets and regular cash flows.
  4. Monitor monthly budget burn rates and make adjustments in implementation or budget re-alignments when needed.
  5. Collaborate with finance personnel and other relevant staff to produce quality, accurate and timely financial reports per donor requirements.
  6. o Create enabling environment for smooth Internal and External Audit(s). Monitor and facilitate responsiveness to audit findings and recommendations.
  7. Ensure effective close-out of projects at the end of the contract period.
  8. In collaboration with finance staff prepares annual budgets based on project proposals and ensures compliance with donor requirements;
Job Responsibility #4 Program Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Reporting
  1. The PC ensures that all programs under her/his supervision include an appropriate log-frame and baseline design;
  2. Develop and implement the projects’ impact measurement system that includes: collection of baseline and periodic data for tracking performance
  3. Ensure quality monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual progress reports are submitted in a timely manner;
  4. Plans and facilitates annual program review meeting to assess progress, adjust plans, and draw/disseminate lessons learned;5. In collaboration with project managers, coordinates the implementation of program mid-term and final evaluations.
  5. Visiting project sites with responsible managers and technical officer to track progress, encourage recording of achievements and advise on ways to address challenges.
  6. In collaboration with the Communication Officer facilitate documentation of achievements, lessons learned, and good practices. Assist staff to prepare human-interest stories.
Job Responsibility # 5 Program Initiative Development: Identifying funding opportunities for the program as well as initiating and participating in the design of program initiatives
  1. The positions plays a role of identifying future funding opportunities for the CED
  2. Liaise with the CED management to work on concept notes and program proposals
Job Responsibility # 6 Networking, Learning and Representation*me*
  1. Establishes and maintain communication mechanisms with government, community partners and other stakeholders;
  2. Makes formal presentations to the counterparts about CED projects’ progress, challenges, lessons learned and needed adjustments;
  3. Shares good practices with other actors in country and ensures ongoing personal development and learning;
  4. Develops strong team spirit among staff.
Job Responsibility #7: Perform Other Duties as Assigned (including)
  1. Implement and ensure staff safety and security procedures are followed and provide guidance to staff as required.
  2. When applicable, participate in emergency response and recovery efforts in the event of an emergency in his/her program area.
  3. Member of the Country Office Leadership Team (SLT)
· With the (Executive Director, the Programme staffs delivery, project progress and budget expenditure, and support staff (Finance HR/Admin, Logistics)
· With the communications department on internal/external communication materials.
· With key stakeholders and relevant (national and international) organizations, to keep informed of current development and programme progress.
· With external donors and consultants with regard to programme implementation and reporting.
Required Qualifications:
  • Master’s Degree in relevant field or equivalent combination of education and related work experience.
  1. At least three years’ experience in managing projects of similar size and scope.
  2. Line management experience, with previous responsibility for staff, resources, and contracts.3. M&E and learning skills
  • Five years’ experience in coordinating / managing programs
Technical Skills
  • Financial management skills
  • Excellent report-writing and communication skills
  • High levels of creativity
  • Demonstrated strategic planning skills, organizational and management skills.
  • Strong team-building and team-work qualities.
  • Computer skills in MS Word, Excel
  • Firm belief in teamwork, gender equality, sensitivity to HIV/AIDS and participatory approach and sustainable development.
  • Strong capacity building skills
  • Fundraising and facilitation skills
  • M & E skills with experience in monitoring and measuring impact
  • Partnership building skills.

How to apply:
If you meet the criteria herein please submit your application and detailed CV. Each applicant package will include the following:
  • Cover letter explaining why consider yourself qualified for this position with the applicants current contact information
  • CV including work experience and education
  • Copies of Certificates
  • Your contact number, present salary and contact details for three professional referees with their complete contact information (including current or most recent supervisor)
All applications should be sent to Abdullahi Ali Hassan, and copied with the subject of the e-mail marked “Program Coordinator ” By 31 January 2015.

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