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Friday, January 9, 2015

Senior Investment Officer

by Unknown  |  at  1:44 AM

Triple Jump is a fund management company specialized in managing investment funds focused on impact investing in emerging markets. It targets financial sector development and invests in institutions that service the bottom of the pyramid. Triple Jump offers professional fund management services to investors, ranging from asset selection, to portfolio management to fund administration. It can provide services to financial intermediaries in all stages of their development.
Triple Jump is seeking a Senior Investment Officer. The position requires frequent travel to countries within the region. You will be based in Nairobi, Kenya. The position is initially for one year. If successful, the candidate will be offered a permanent position.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
As a Senior Investment Officer you are responsible for the identification, appraisal, processing and supervision of debt investments in MFIs in the Africa & Middle East region. Furthermore, you will be involved in the organization of the lending  policy (i.e. working out procedures, instrumentation, information systems). You have an extensive regional network of partners and other people/institutions relevant to the fulfillment of your position.
This position requires a strong economic background, acquired by working (at least five years) in a fund manager, MFI or other financial institution.  You have experience with analyzing financial statements and dealing with legal and organizational issues as part of the due diligence process. You have demonstrated interest and experience in development and/or emerging markets.  You have demonstrable communication and reporting skills and are able to disseminate knowledge and mediate between different views. Your negotiation skills are excellent and, above all, you are capable of representing the funds we manage. You feel comfortable working in a team while independently developing new and managing existing markets. You have an advanced mastery of English (both speaking and writing).
  • Competences:
    • Result-oriented;
    • Team player;
    • Good negotiator;
    • Strong analytical skills;
    • Convincing;
    • Excellent communication/writing skills in English.  Knowledge of French, Portuguese, Arabic and/or any Africa/Middle East language is considered a plus.
Send your application to Jeanette Bouman by email: More information about the position can be obtained through Todd Mason at Kenyan and East African Community citizens are encouraged to apply.

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