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Friday, April 17, 2015

Comprehensive Market Assessment for Dadaab & Urban Refugee Programmes

by Unknown  |  at  11:40 AM

DRC has been operating in Kenya since 2005 and has accumulated significant knowledge and experience in supporting refugees, host communities and people who are internally displaced (IDPs) in the country. DRC began its operations in Dadaab in partnership with CARE Kenya and Refugee Consortium of Kenya (RCK) to help prepare refugees for eventual return and ensure equity between refugees and the neighboring population by funding host community activities. Since 2009, DRC has been implementing activities directly in Dadaab, e.g. construction of social infrastructure, improved livelihoods, and activities related to improved access to water and sanitation. DRC Kenya has now moved its scope of work from construction related activities to having a stronger focus on protection and livelihoods activities.
Dadaab (Garissa County)
DRC has been a signatory to tripartite sub-agreements with UNHCR and the Government of Kenya since 2009. UNHCR selected DRC to take the lead in the construction of social infrastructure projects including the construction of police offices and accommodation in support of law enforcement and security in the camps, schools and medical facilities. DRC in partnership with UNHCR has been carrying out civil works projects, among them the construction of access roads in the Dadaab refugee camps and other civil works outside the settlements. DRC has further been engaged by UNHCR in the construction of emergency shelter, pitching of tents for new arrivals, and piloting of shelter types using Interlocking Stabilized Soils Bricks (ISSB).
Since the beginning of 2009, DRC has been a key player in supporting livelihoods activities within refugee and host communities in and around Dadaab and with a strong emphasis on needs for durable solutions, and targeting both individuals and groups. DRC has further been involved in several youth projects, among them a youth talent recognition programme, sports competitions, and the establishment of ICT centers in the Dadaab refugee settlements.
Following the high influx of refugees into Dadaab in the wake of the 2011 famine in South Central Somalia, DRC has been among the lead agencies providing emergency and lifesaving assistance. This has included the provision of drinking water for schools and dispensaries in Dadaab through extended pipelines, and water trucked to refugees in the outskirts of the settlements. During the 2011 drought, life-saving drinking water was also trucked to a number of points on the migratory routes from the Somali/Kenyan border to the Dadaab refugee complex.
Throughout 2012, DRC has worked with building the capacity of local leaders in grant management and community led project management, and has disbursed funds to local committees managing the construction of staff accommodation block at a health center and administration facilities for a primary school. During 2013, DRC continued to provide both emergency life-saving assistance and long term development support to existing refugees, new arrivals and to the host communities in Dadaab.
DRC is working in partnership with UNHCR to improve livelihoods among refugees in Ifo1, Ifo2, Dagahley camps and host community targeting men and women between the ages of 18-59 who constitute more than 40% of the refugee population and suffer from severe unemployment rates. The focus on this age group is essential to reduce vulnerability among refugees and efforts are part of the overall aim to improve protection of refugees and to reduce aid dependency. In addition, DRC is further supporting refugee and host community youth through new vocational and technical skills that will enable them to pursue income generating activities. Improving livelihoods among refugees in Dadaab has immediate impact and build capacities in multiple levels, including during resettlement and in the reconstruction of Somalia in the event of repatriation. DRC’s livelihoods activities in Dadaab refugee camps and in the host communities of Garissa County focus on the promotion of youth-owned businesses, and to improve market access for livestock farmers in the area. While increasing focus on livelihoods interventions in Dadaab. DRC is continuing its commitment to support education facilities, trainings on refugee related laws, business development skills, mental health and psychosocial support, communication and conflict resolution as well as substance abuse therapy.
In addition, DRC is implementing an advocacy programme in partnership with Refugee Consortium of Kenya (RCK) which aims to promote the rights and welfare of refugees in Kenya and the East African region through legal clinics, advocacy and awareness-raising on the Refugee Act. The programme with RCK also includes the provision of legal aid services to refugees, engagement in advocacy for policy change and development of related legislation.
Several DRC activities in Dadaab addresses needs for improved protection of women and girls in the camps where insecurity and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) is widespread. DRC is the lead UNHCR partner for SGBV in the Ifo1 camp where prevention and response mechanisms are improved, including the management of the only safe haven for women in Dadaab.
Urban (Greater Nairobi)
Urban refugees remain invisible in cities and little attention is directed towards assisting this group. It is approximated that there are about 100,000 urban refugees in Kenya with only 56,000 registered by the Kenyan government. In the capital Nairobi, DRC has been implementing a programme in support of urban refugees since 2012. Activities target micro-entrepreneurs in urban and peri-urban areas of Nairobi and have included capacity development and conditional grants to trainees. Vocational trainings address needs for livelihoods opportunities among refugee youth including business start-up kits for graduates.
Protection of urban refugees is of concern and remains a cross-cutting theme in DRC activities focusing on reducing Gender Based violence (GBV) and improving livelihoods and income opportunities through vocational training schemes. In 2013, training of community monitors and leaders in GBV reporting, documenting and articulating their needs and right violations is the cornerstone of the programme.
Northern Kenya (Arid & Semi-Arid areas)
DRC has been part of the REGAL-IR (Resilience and Economic Growth in Arid Lands – Improving Resilience) through a consortium led by ADESO (Africa Development Solutions). Through synergized activities, the consortium aims at strengthening social, economic, and environmental resilience in five counties in Northern Kenya, namely Garissa, Wajir, Marsabit, Isiolo, and Turkana.
DRC together with the other consortium members have in the first year (2013) engaged in a community-driven development approach, Participatory Learning, Planning and Action (PLPA) which is intended at empowering communities in the target counties to assess and identify gaps and capacities, go through a process of community visioning, plan and take charge of their development and resilience efforts.
Recognizing that the success of the REGAL-IR project and specifically the focus on resilience building depends on among other things an atmosphere of peaceful coexistence that is sustained overtime, DRC’s key role is to improve the capacity of the pastoral communities and local governments in the target and neighboring counties to mitigate and manage potential conflicts especially those arising from natural resource sharing and management. The wider aim of the project was to improve stability across Northern Kenya and establish conditions conducive for sustainable development in the region.
Since the beginning of 2013, DRC in partnership with UNHCR has been the lead agency for Self-Reliance & Livelihoods in Dadaab Refugee Complex and therefore has been working towards enhancing its capacity to deliver on a variety of livelihoods interventions. In April, 2014 DRC opened its Kakuma refugee operation which now has initiated some livelihoods interventions. DRC became the lead self-reliance & Livelihoods agency for Nairobi Urban Refugee Programme effective January, 2015.
Pursuant to this, we are seeking the services of an experienced research and implementing firm or organization in the areas of economic/livelihood market-systems within ASAL areas. Specific research, knowledge and experience in implementing Value-chain Development & Business Development Service programmes/projects will be key. The consultant to carry out a market assessment across Dadaab Refugee Camps, Garissa County, Nairobi County and the neighboring townships in Machakos & Kajiado Counties.
DRC recognizes the role of structured value-chains/market systems in enterprise development and broader economic development. The purpose of the proposed consultancy therefore, is to comprehensively research and document information on the existing economic sectors and their respective value-chains, analyze the applicable market-system frameworks (including market-players, supporting functions and rules/regulations) and through a report, propose viable economic sectors and value-chains for possible future investments.
Activity 1:Develop/Refine framework and methodology for the assessment according to the consultancy objective, i.e.:
  • Map out growth areas in the various economic sectors.
  • Identify most viable sectors (including labor opportunities) that are most relevant for refugee investment.
  • Conduct value-chain analysis for each of the priority sectors.
Activity 2: Recruit, retain and highly productive teams of enumerators across the proposed assessment sites
Activity 3: Design and test appropriate data-collection tools for field work
Activity 4:Ensure quality data-entry using SPSS or other suitable application and analysis.
Activity 5: Submission of a draft report and presentation of results within 10 working days after the last day of the actual field activity.
Activity 6: Final report
a. Production of a high quality and actionable market assessment report including findings and recommendations.
b. Production of accurate and actionable information from data analysis process
c. Sharing of relevant reference material for the assessment
The key personnel of the Consultant should ideally possess the following qualifications and experience:
ü Bachelors and Masters Degrees in the relevant themes such as Agriculture, Economics, Business Administration, Social Science, Development or Entrepreneurship. Additional qualifications in Enterprise Development, Value-Chains and BDS at Diploma or post-graduate level would be desirable.
ü Diverse understanding and clear knowledge of Market Research, Value-chain Development and Management; Business Development Services.
ü Extensive knowledge i.e. not less than 10 years’ development experience in international agencies and programs with private and public sector involvement in production, input-suppliers, service-providers and marketing.
ü Sound analytical and technical competence in the subject matter
ü Have conducted similar trainings in the recent past
ü Requisite experience in design of value-chains and frameworks for the agro-allied, cottage and services sectors of the economy.
5.Reporting Arrangements
The Consultant shall work closely and under the oversight of the DRC Technical Manager for Self-Reliance & Livelihoods, UNHCR Dadaab and Urban Livelihoods Officers on behalf of the Dadaab and Nairobi Livelihood Working Groups.
The engagement will be for 30 working days starting from 11th May, 2015
  2. The Consultant should adhere to the UNHCR and DRC coordinated security guidelines
  3. The Consultant shall provide the above services to the highest professional and quality standards as deemed by DRC
  4. The Consultant shall not assign or transfer any of the obligations or benefits of the engagement to 3rd parties without prior notification and consent of the client (DRC) in writing.
  5. The Consultant must ensure that the personnel engaged possess the necessary experience, qualifications and certifications for the execution of the tasks assigned
  6. The Consultant shall be solely responsible for the personnel who execute the tasks assigned to him
  7. The Consultant shall have clear personnel management guidelines that are in tandem with the provisions of Labor Laws of Kenya.
  8. The Consultant must operate within the budget allocated and agreed upon.
i. DRC will not provide insurance cover, and holds no legal obligations, for 2nd or 3rd party employees at any time. DRC will not be liable for any costs related to accidents, physical harm, kidnappings, medical evacuation and/or professional negligence, third party law suits or any other liabilities from entering into contract with second party or from any hosting or transporting its employees.
ii. Second party employees will adhere to all DRC security protocols and the DRC Code of Conduct if hosted by DRC for any activity.
iii. The Consultant shall be held liable for any damage, loss due to his personnel’s negligence.
  1. General
Commitments: DRC has a Humanitarian Accountability Framework, outlining its global accountability committments. All staff are required to contribute to the achievement of this framework (
DRC will evaluate all proposals submitted and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. DRC reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder. Only those shortlisted will be contacted.

The Consultant should be competent enough to discharge the services as per the contract. Interested applicants are invited to submit an expression of interest including:
  • Proposal document which shows how the consultant intends to carry out the consultancy work (should address most of the points mentioned on section 4 above)
  • CV with including those of the lead Consultant/Team to carry out the assignment. Should contain details of qualifications, experience and names of three professional referees.
  • Evidence of similar engagements in the past;
  • Explanation of personnel management system
  • Detailed budget with itemized costs in Kenya shillings
Interested consultants should submit their consultancy proposals to the Human Resources Officeratdrcjobs@drckenya.orgindicatingthe title:“Comprehensive Market Assessment for Dadaab & Urban Refugee Programmes”
The deadline to submit applications is 27th April, 2015.

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