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Thursday, July 9, 2015


by Unknown  |  at  11:31 AM

1.1AAHI Background
ACTION AFRICA HELP KENYA is a non-governmental organization that addresses development challenges in partnership with marginalized Kenyan communities mainly living in low income settings in urban and rural settings including arid and semi-arid areas (ASALs). AAH Kenya is an affiliate country programme of Action Africa Help International (AAH-I), which has been operating in the East and Southern Africa region for more than 20 years implementing programmes in South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, Somalia and Kenya.
1.2UNHCR Kakuma Refugee Assistance Project Background
AAH Kenya has been appointed as the key implementing partner for livelihood activities in the UNHCR Kakuma refugee camp from January 2015. In the first year AAH Kenya has identified two objectives as provided by the UNHCR Global Livelihood Strategy. These two objectives are to enable access to agricultural/ livestock/fisheries production and to facilitate PoCs access to self-employment / business. AAH Kenya is working with refugees in the camps to achieve these two objectives in anticipation that it will help improve their resilience and make them self-reliant.
AAH Kenya will provide key training to male and female beneficiaries to enhance traditional livelihoods, reducing inputs and increasing profit (e.g. Improved vegetable farming) and/or create alternative livelihood opportunities (e.g. tailoring, carpentry, sewing or food processing). In addition, a small number of beneficiaries who have undergone vocational training (e.g. on carpentry, electrics, car mechanics, brick making, tile making, mobile phone maintenance, food processing) will be targeted. These vocational training graduates are being targeted for access to seed capital for business start-up. Where feasible, AAH Kenya will connect beneficiaries with micro-finance institutions and will seek opportunities for private sector partnerships to pilot apprenticeships for vocational training beneficiaries.
According to UNHCR Kakuma reports, the refugee camp is currently hosting 177,956 refugees. Refugees from South Sudan comprise the highest number at 87,915 (49.4%), followed by those from Somalia at 56,155 (31.6%). The rest of the refugees come from Sudan, Congo, Ethiopia, Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda and Eritrea.
Kakuma refugee camp is located in Turkana West, Turkana County. Majority of the people living in Turkana County are pastoralists and depend on livestock as their source of livelihood. Turkana County has a population of 855,399 people with a surface area of 68,680 km2. The population density (people per square kilometre) is 13%. Turkana County is ranked highest in terms of poverty index with a poverty rate of 94.3%. The three major towns in the county are Lodwar with a population of 48,316 people, followed by Kakuma with a population of 36,875 and Lokichogio with a population of 17,695 (Source: Kenya County Fact Sheets by Commission on Revenue Allocation).
2.1Terms of Reference
Action Africa Help- Kenya is seeking the services of a consultant(s) to carry out training of 300 PoCs in Group Formation and Cooperative Development. This training targets community members, who are often illiterate, must be effective in promoting significant diversification and economic growth of their households.
2.2Overall Objectives of the Assessment
The goal of the assignment is that about 300 PoCs in Kakuma Refugee Camp will have gained the attitude, knowledge and skills in Group formation and Cooperative Development. This training will be an on-site training involving PoC participants who are farmers from the shallow wells and business groups in Kakuma.
The consultant will work in a consultative manner with the Project Manager of the UNHCR Kakuma Refugee Assistance Project to deliver the following specific objectives:
i. Develop/Provide training curriculum and manual adapted to Kakuma refugee context
ii. Carry out training of PoC members on Group Formation and Cooperative Development targeting at least 300 PoC participants.
iii. Conduct pre-training Attitude, Knowledge and Skills (AKS) assessments with all learners
iv. Conduct a post-training AKS assessment with all learners. Evaluate the training impact for project staff.
v. Provide recommendations for project staff follow-up and backstopping.
vi. Produce a training report in English with the contents of point i)-v); maximum 15 pages.
2.3Scope of Work
The consultant in consultation with AAH Kenya will be expected to undertake the following tasks:
  • Develop an appropriate curriculum and training materials to be used during the training.
  • Deliver/ Facilitate training to the participants in their respective communities.
  • Prepare draft report in a format acceptable by AAH Kenya.
  • Submit the final report to AAH Kenya (both hard copy, and soft copy and a complete data set and code book).
The consultant(s) is expected to adopt participatory training methodologies involving the local community and the participants. The training curriculum/ modules shall be further discussed and agreed upon together with AAH Kenya.
  1. A proposal detailing understanding of the TOR, the methodology, approaches, and processes to be used as well as the budget and Curriculum Vitae of consultants.
  2. A comprehensive training report in a format acceptable to AAH Kenya.
  3. The report (in b above) should provide practical recommendations on key considerations for the design of project interventions.
  4. The report should provide a plan of action and a tool for AAH Kenya to monitor adoption and sustainability of the training.
  5. Submit to AAH Kenya the final report for the training (bound hard copy, soft copy and a complete data set and code book). The report should not be more than 30 pages excluding annexes.
  6. Submit to AAH Kenya both hard copy and soft copy of the training manual used.
The potential consultant should have;
  1. Minimum of a Master’s degree in Business, Social sciences or related disciplines.
  2. An overall understanding of community development in East Africa.
  3. At least 5 years experiences in providing training (ToT) in organizational development, and cooperative development for smallholders.
  4. Strong analytical, teaching methodology, written and verbal communication skills.
  5. Experience in developing training curriculum handbook.
  6. Strong organizational, communications, interpersonal and computer skills.
  7. Excellent multi-tasking abilities and ability to work under pressure and to meet deadlines.
  8. Must have excellent report writing skills.
  9. Ability to take initiative and work independently.
  10. Experience of working with diverse communities in East Africa
  11. Fluent in Kiswahili and English
6.1Role of AAH Kenya
  1. Provide funds and logistical support for the entire exercise.
  2. Provide technical oversight, quality assurance as well as quality control for the assessment as necessary.
  3. Mobilize local communities and partners to effectively participate in the training.
  4. Provide the venue and equipment for the presentation and dissemination of the training.
6.2Role of Refugee Committee
  1. Participate in the training for the number of days that will be agreed upon.
  2. Through community elders, mobilize the community to participate in the survey.
The assignment is expected to take a maximum of 10 working days effective from 3rd August 2015, and final reports should be submitted to AAH Kenya not later than 21st August 2015.
Interested consultants must include in their submission a detailed technical and financial proposal with the following components:
  • Understanding and interpretation of the TOR
  • Methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment
  • Time and activity schedule
  • Profile of the Consultant
  • Samples of two most recent related works (and/or references for the same)
  • Curriculum vitae of key personnel
  • Detailed cost proposal in Kshs. for the consultancy.

1.0Submission of Proposal
The proposals should be emailed to the address here below by Friday, 17th July 2015.
2.0Evaluation and Award of Consultancy
AAH Kenya will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. AAH Kenya reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder.

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