Africa50 is a landmark investment vehicle, focused exclusively on Africa’s infrastructure development opportunities. Africa50 was incorporated in Casablanca, Morocco in September 2014. It is an African-led initiative with early capital commitments from African governments, and African Development Bank as its cornerstone investor.
Africa50 will invest in large scale, transformative, commercially and developmentally sustainable infrastructure projects. Africa50 will target investments in the energy, transport, ICT and water sectors.
As a commercially oriented financial institution, Africa50 will seek to preserve and grow its capital base as well as provide a return to shareholders. It will have three broad groups of investors: i) African Countries, ii) the AfDB and other major development financiers, iii) institutional investors such as sovereign wealth and pension funds.
The job of the CEO is to implement the vision of Africa50 Infrastructure Fund, to facilitate and accelerate infrastructure delivery in Africa, by creating and establishing the organization from the ground to ensure its structure and operations are successful. Together, the Board and CEO will assure Africa50 Infrastructure Fund’s relevance to the communities of Africa, and the accomplishment of the organization’s mission and vision, as well as accountability to its diverse constituents and shareholders.
Russell Reynolds Associates has been retained to assist with this appointment. For further information on the position and additional details on qualifications, requirements, and how to apply, please visit: