Location: Kenya or Ghana
Recruiting office: CARE Denmark
Recruiting office: CARE Denmark
The Adaptation Learning Programme in CARE International is seeking a trainer to take up the position of Community Based Adaptation Capacity Building Specialist.
The CBA Specialist will support strategic development, design and delivery of capacity building, training and training of trainers related to proven community based adaptation approaches developed by ALP.
The successful candidate will be an experienced trainer and capacity builder who is able to innovate and develop new training approaches and materials appropriate to meeting the demand for capacity building in CBA.
CBA capacity building is targeted for practitioners and decision makers in Ghana, Kenya and Niger, where ALP has teams and ongoing adaptation work, and also in other countries in Africa where demand for capacity is growing.
The position is for two years initially and will preferably be based in Kenya or alternatively Ghana, with frequent travel to ALP and other African countries.
For more information about this role and details about how to apply please refer to the CARE Denmark jobs page: http://www.job-support.dk/jobbet/jobintra.asp?id=229107