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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Doctoral Research Fellowship for Evaluation of Tsetse Repellents

by Unknown  |  at  12:27 PM

  • icipe is an international scientific research institute, headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya that works towards improving lives and livelihoods of people in Africa.
    The Centre’s main objective is to research and develop alternative and environmentally-friendly pest and vector management strategies that are effective, selective, non-polluting, non-resistance inducing, and which are affordable to resource-limited rural and urban communities.
    icipe’s mandate also extends to the conservation and use of the rich insect biodiversity found in Africa
    icipe invites applications for a doctoral position to evaluate of the efficacy of a repellent mixture isolated from waterbuck to protect cattle and enclosures (kraals) under the EU-funded Integrated Biological Control Applied Research Programme (Tsetse Research Component).
    The research topic is “Assessment of tsetse repellents to protect cattle and enclosures (kraals) from a vector of human sleeping sickness and animal trypanosomiasis—Glossina fuscipes fuscipes”. The PhD research work will commence by 1 September 2015 for three years.
    Background to the research
    In Africa, trypanosomiasis is transmitted to humans and animals by a blood-sucking insect, the tsetse fly (Glossina spp.). Transmission of trypanosomiasis involves the interaction of four organisms: the human host, the parasite (trypanosomes), the animal reservoirs (livestock and wild animals), and the link between them—the tsetse fly.
    Therefore, controlling the tsetse fly vector should lead to significantly reduced transmission and help to eliminate trypanosomiasis and have an effect on the sustainability of control efforts.
    At icipe, the strategy for combating flies that transmit trypanosomiasis has relied on developing trapping systems (traps/targets and odour baits) and the identification of biological control agents.
    Recent research at icipe has focused on preventing or suppressing the interaction taking place between the insects carrying the pathogen and their vertebrate hosts through the identification of synthetic repellents and also naturally-occurring repellents that are involved in differential attraction of vertebrate hosts/non-hosts.
    In this respect, repellents have been identified from the waterbuck, which is an un-preferred vertebrate host present in tsetse habitats (Bett et al. [2015] Repellency of tsetse-refractory waterbuck (Kobus defassa) body odour to Glossina pallidipes (Diptera: Glossinidae): Assessment of relative contribution of different classes and individual constituents. Acta Tropica, 146, 17–24).
    These natural and synthetic repellents have been used on domestic hosts (cattle) to provide them with protection from tsetse bites and trypanosomiasis. To-date these repellents have been evaluated for savannah tsetse (G. pallidipes), but there is a need to evaluate and optimise them for protection of cattle and humans from bites of the riverine vector of both human sleeping sickness and animal trypanosomiasis, G. fuscipes fuscipes.
    Supervisors: Dr R. K. Saini, Prof. B. Torto and Dr Janet Irungu.
    The EU-funded IBCARP (Tsetse Research Component) will cover the research costs and stipend.
    Eligibility criteria
  • A national of any country in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • A bachelor’s degree with a minimum pass of second-class, upper division.
  • A master’s degree taken with both coursework and research in the field of natural sciences or other field relevant to the PhD project.
  • The master’s degree must have been completed less than six years back.
  • Qualified female candidates, candidates from less privileged regions, and nationals of French- and Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa are especially encouraged to apply.
  • Preference will be given to applicants with a maximum age of 36 years (men) or 40 years (women) by 31st December 2015.
  • A good command of the English language (written & spoken) is required.
    How to apply for the fellowship:
    Applicants must submit the following documents by email to Ms Lillian Igweta, Training Officer, Capacity Building and Institutional Development Programme (icipe), (please submit the documents in English where possible)
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae with the names of two academic referees
  • Certified copies of official university certificates and transcripts.
    In case of any questions regarding the submission to icipe, kindly contact Ms Lillian Igweta.
    Applications must be received by 20 July 2015. Women are encouraged to apply.
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