About PAN
Parenting in Africa Network (PAN) is a pan African Network of organizations, individuals and institutions keen to promote ‘skilful’ parenting practices in Africa, for the overall wellbeing of children and families. The network creates and facilitates interactive platforms for learning, sharing, and advocacy on various topical issues on parenting.
PAN is embarking on an evaluation on the efficacy of Group Triple P methodology, as a parenting training approach, in the African context. Previously, the Triple P approach was applied in the western well-to-do contexts. Most recently, in 2013, the Triple P program was piloted in Kenya engaging parents from the peri-urban areas of Nairobi. There is now, therefore, a need for conducting a keen, detailed evaluation of the pilot in Kenya, to build a strong case for its adaptation or applicability for the African context; more so in resource poor backgrounds.
For a detailed TOR for this EOI, visit www.parentinginafrica.org/en. Submission deadline is 14th July, 2015. Further enquiries contact info@parentinginafrica.org