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Thursday, July 9, 2015


by Unknown  |  at  11:47 AM


Terms of Reference (TOR)

1The Background:

CARE Somalia/Somaliland is an International NGO working with partners and vulnerable communities to address the underlying causes of poverty and promote peace and development, through its strategic goal to reduce poverty by empowering women, enhancing access to resources and services and improving governance.

CARE has been operating in Somalia/Somaliland since 1981. It currently works through three main programs. First, the Rural Vulnerable Women program which supports poor, rural women and girls in addressing long term underlying causes of poverty and vulnerability. The program helps women and girls improve their economic status, access education and support them to play a greater role in local leadership and conflict resolution. Second, the Youth Program, focuses on job creation and livelihood opportunities for poor youth through interventions such as secondary education, vocational training, small business development and microfinance. Third, the Emergency Program provides direct humanitarian relief to victims of drought and conflict.

2Objective of Project:

CARE is seeking to develop a comprehensive database of consultants/experts who can be called upon to provide support on an as-needed basis. This support could either be for CARE or our Partners.

Scope of the Assignment:

This assignment is to design, develop and deploy web-based repository or portal of Consultants/Technical Experts.

3Technical Requirements:

The proposed Solution should contain the following technical requirements/functionalities, but not limited to:

· User responsive web design technologies

· Implement Search, Create, Read, Update and Delete (SCRUD) operations

· Major Modules/Features includes, but not limited to Data Entry Screens, Search and Filter, Reporting Modules, Upload and/or Attach Files (Images, Text, PDFs, Doc, Excel etc.), Help Section, Selection and Evaluation Module)

· Adopt Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to authorize system resources allocation to users based on roles (e.g. Data Entry, Read-Only, Administrator etc.)

· Maintain consistent aesthetics (Look and Feel) and User Interface (UI) of the solution

· Ensure cross-browser support and compatibility (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc.)

· The Solution should be scalable and upgradeable as and when the number of users and content increases

· Maintain and ensure that the web-based software system supports maximum concurrent users

· Support all standard file formats for uploading and processing (Microsoft Word, Excel, All Standard Image Formats, Adobe PDF, etc.)

4Security Requirements:

The Solution should adhere to the following security requirements:

· Provide audit trails and log mechanism for content changes performed by system users

· Maintain time series data so that certain information is not lost with passage of time and repeated updating

· Handle Session Hijacking, Session Replay etc.

· Input validation to prevent attacks such as buffer over-flow cross-site scripting, SQL injection etc.


The following are deliverable of the assignment:

· Software architecture design document

· User requirements document (System Requirement Specification, Incremental Prototype)

· Recommend an adequate server hosting environment for the developed

· Maintenance, User Training and Data Recovery Manuals

· Source codes, Database Scripts, Contents and Relevant Documentation

· Provide one year warranty (update patches, fix bugs and other minor changes required) after User Acceptance Sign-Off

· Project Completion Report

6Implementation Schedule:

The implementation schedule for the development of the system is as following:

S/NACTIVITY DELIVERABLE 1 Assignment kick-off, Initial Assessment and System Requirement Specifications (SRS) SRS Document 2 Architecture Design and Prototype Development Proposed Prototype 3 Solution Development, Deployment and Testing Completed System 4 Stabilization and User Acceptance Testing (UAT) UAT Sign-Off 5 User Training/Workshop Training Documentation and Manuals 6 Support Maintenance 7 Assignment Exit Sign-Off



· Shall ensure periodic updates are reviewed and comprehensive requirement specification are provided in timely fashion

· Shall appoint the point of contact or project manager

· Inform the stakeholders and arrange for join sessions with consultant/developer


· Shall ensure timely delivery of deliverables;

· Shall provide the System Development acceptable to CARE

· Shall appoint a Project Manager who shall be the point of contact and

· Shall recommend suitable hosting environment (Server Specification or Cloud-based Hosting) to host the Solution securely an efficiently.

Interested consultancy firms or individuals with the relevant qualifications and experience in building such websites are hereby invited to submit their proposals and CVs to by 22nd July 2015. The following information should be provided alongside the proposal:

· Proof of relevant experience related to the assignment

· Evidence of similar jobs undertaken in the last three years

· Team composition and qualifications and competence of the team proposed for this consultancy.

· Description of the methodology and work plan

· Proposed consultancy timeframe

· Proposed consultancy fees which should include the total cost of the assignment (indicating nature and breakdown) and the proposed schedule of payment.

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