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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Online tutor for "Education in the Knowledge Age” Module for the French version of the African Leadership in ICT (ALICT) Programme

by Unknown  |  at  5:18 AM

Type: Consultancy for Online Tutoring
Start date: 14th Setember 2015
Finish date: 23rd October 2015
Actual working hours: 60 hours (online, work from home).Total 6 weeks consultancy - 1 week preparation / 2 weeks for online tutoring / 3 weeks follow up support and assignment grading and report writing
GESCI, the Global E-Schools and Communities Initiative, is a non-profit organisation founded by the United Nations ICT Taskforce. GESCI, with its headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, provides strategic advice to relevant Ministries in developing countries on the effective use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) within the context of inclusive Knowledge Societies.
GESCI is seeking an experienced Education Expert with a Master’s degree or higher and experience in online tutoring and a comprehensive knowledge of KS issues in developing countries. The person is expected to facilitate online tutoring in French for Module 5 for the ALICT capacity building programme.
The Education Expert will be responsible for:
a) Act as an online co-tutor for the Module – 5, “Education in the Knowledge Age” as per the timeline indicated. The module is designed for an online learning environment, based on an action learning approach with the requisite assignments, activities, tools and interactive features
b) Familiarising her/himself with range of documents related to Education for the 21st Century and
Knowledge Age for Socio Economic development. The content module is developed based on the following documents: GESCI’s country needs analysis studies; the ALICT Model and Framework; ALICT course contents and structure on Moodle
c) Using the identified concepts, topics and content to ensure a coherent and coordinated learning experience for participants
d) Acting as an online tutor by participating in tutor orientation, providing guidance and feedback
in module activities, tutoring online activities, evaluation of group assignments and individual assignments of personal development plans and leadership journals and providing tutor feedback on the module to the tutor coordinator and the tutoring team
The expert is expected to coordinate and implement a set of tutoring guidelines with other tutors, comprehensive enough for the online module tutors to successfully moderate the implementation of the module online.
In addition, the Education expert will contribute to and assist with the following activities of the ALICT
programme team:
  • Interact with other module tutors, the ALICT lead tutor and the ALICT course management team
  • Provide content support and suggestions for the tutoring team to facilitate and moderate the tutoring process
Key requirements for the expert are:
  • Master’s degree or higher in Education
  • Experience in online tutoring and Technology Enhanced Learning. Knowledge and/or experience of leadership development issues would be an asset.
  • Minimum of 5 years of directly relevant professional experience related to Education in developing countries. Knowledge of Education in the African context would be an asset.
  • Experience in working in online learning environments, preparing online learning materials,
managing online communities, forum moderation and conducting online courses would be an asset
  • Knowledge of the pedagogical issues related to (leadership) skills development and capacity building programmes would be an asset
  • Strong analytical and communication skills
  • Good time management and organizational skills to prioritize workload and meet tight deadlines
  • Good communication skills in French and English
Duration:This is an international hiring. 60 hours(online, home based working) during the period of 14th September 2015 to 23rd October 2015
Consultancy Fee:
The consultancy fee will be Euro 1,500/- (Euro – One thousand five hundred only). This amount is inclusive of 20 % withholding tax under Kenyan legislation for external consultants.
Expected Outputs:
  • Tutor inputs to module on “Education in the Knowledge Age” with tasks, activities, tools and interactive features as required by online/blended model (based on the ALICT guidelines and Module structure)
  • Inputs to guidelines to improve the online capacity building (including assignments) of the module
  • Guidance to participants regarding modular content and assignments
  • Assessment and grading of assignments within the agreed timelines
Schedulee for deliverables:
  • Participation in orientation for tutoring 14th September 2015 to 18th September 2015
  • Online tutoring of the course 21st September 2015 to 2nd October 2015 with required inputs of facilitating chats and forums, providing feedback of tasks and assignments to participants
  • Provide inputs to participants for assignments and feedback to ALICT tutor coordinator of online tutoring 5th October 2015 to 16th October 2015
  • Evaluation of assignments and final wrap up and documentation by 23rd October 2015
Payment schedule:
100 % upon completion of deliverables as required by the module tutoring process and approval by
Confidentiality and Copyright
The consultant will be required to sign a confidentiality clause whereby information accessed through the ALICT tutoring process can only be disclosed and shared with authorized members of the programme. GESCI will have ownership over any Intellectual Property developed for or derived from the tutoring engagement.

Please submit your detailed CV and proof of credentials along with a cover letter specifying why you qualify for this task to Senthil Kumar, Programme Manager – Eastern and West Africa, ALICT to the following e-mail id; by 21st August 2015

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